TODAY’S READING: Acts 2:25-35, (Ps. 67, Ps. 77 and Ps. 44)

Today, we begin our 10-day countdown to Pentecost. For us, this will end May 29, at 7PM, CDT where we will have a LIVE Facebook event. Pentecost Sunday is two days later.

I had previously been given parts of what I was to share today, but this morning at 3:30am I was awakened and given much more revelation on the matter. It is quite exciting. I will explain some of that now and the suggested reading. The Acts 2:25-35 connects us to King David and his prophetic references. I was shown Psalms 77 and Psalms 44 as the doorposts entryway, and then Psalms 67 as the overhead lintel to a doorway. This is the doorway for the Upper Room we enter into today. We know that in Acts those who waited in the Upper Room did so roughly ten days, and we will do so as well. In Acts, it seems about 500 started the 10-day period and 120 may it until the visitation. We have an advantage over them in that it seems they did not know how long they would have to wait. We know today it had to line up with the feast of Pentecost/Shavuot. Perhaps the 500 came back after the Acts 2 outpouring and still reaped the benefits—but I am sure they wished they had just hung in there and been original recipients. Probably, especially those who made it to day 9. Let’s see how many of you will hang with me. Maybe we will even grow in number.

Acts 2:25-35

These verses are after the Holy Spirit has fallen on them. Peter is explaining, to what is now a multitude, what they are witnessing. What is unique about this is that for 10 full verses, Peter will be connecting what has just transpired to King David, whose tomb was reportedly right beneath them—and therefore a noteworthy point of reference— and his prophetic references that spoke to this day of Pentecost. In verse 30, Peter says of David, “He was a prophet.” In verse 29, “His tomb is still here among us.” Acts 2:25,26 Peter quotes David saying, “I saw the Lord always before me, Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my TONGUE rejoices; my body also will live in hope.”

Peter was pointing out that this phenomenon of tongues afire, of all languages being supernaturally spoken, and of so much joy they seemed drunk—was a fulfillment of what King David saw prophetically. The Holy Spirit is the God who is “always before me" and does all these things. Peters’ closing reference on David was his quote from Psalms 110:1:

“The Lord said to My Lord (i.e. The Father said to the Son), Sit at My right hand UNTIL I make your enemies a footstool to your feet.”

This is powerful. Peter was stating that this Holy Spirit empowering was so that this Davidic prophecy might be fulfilled—the Father instructing the Son to remain at His right hand UNTIL the Father, through this very Holy Spirit empowering, would cause all the Sons’ enemies to be subjugated. This is what we become anointed to be participant witnesses of—the Sons’ enemies on earth being crushed and made a footstool. His enemies were never people—as we “wrestle not against flesh and blood.” As we “wait” during these 10 days let’s begin with understanding the connection to David—the man who lived ahead of his time, because he already knew and interacted with the Holy Spirit. Out of this relationship and empowering, he could easily handle Goliaths, manhandle lions and bears, leap over city walls, and by himself put 1000 to flight. The supernatural becomes supernormal for one baptized and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Psalms 67, 77 and 44

These Psalms we will go through over the next three days in a more detailed way. For today it would do you good to go ahead and read them in any order. Chapters 44 and 77—the portals are significant because it allows us to connect with the hunger and even divine frustration of the lack of evidence of God at work with His power. David will speak of being overwhelmed, of moaning for help, unable to sleep, of searching for God—an overall desperation for God that can assist those of us who require help in being real and honest with our own need of His power at work in and through us.

Additionally, anyone who has not read my general word for Pentecost should for sure do so. It would help if you read it several times through this week.