Unbelief is not humility: Faith is not Pride

There are some matters that can only be addressed during a test itself. Once the test is over key lessons to be learned can be forgotten. Presently, there is a need to process the reality that unbelief is not humility. It masquerades as humility but God actually calls it “an evil heart of unbelief” (Heb. 3:12). In that chapter, God speaks of how displeased He was with Israel being delayed 40 years from entering in their Promised Land because of that “evil heart of unbelief.”

Unbelief Instigators?

Remember who the instigators for that unbelief were? It was the 10 spies/seers who perhaps, even in their own minds, were just being “humble.”

“We are like grasshoppers compared to the giants in the Promised Land.” That doesn’t SOUND evil— and one could say it was just being either realistic or humble. Suddenly, all the promises and words from God on a new hopeful reality for them were thrown out the door. Forget being “the head not the tail.” Forget jubilee possibilities. Forget “a land that flows with milk and honey.” No, these 10 spies/seers were sparing the people from getting their hopes up by modeling “humility” and “realness.” Hey, yes the Biden-ites had stolen the election, but what can you do about it when you are just little grasshoppers?

"The Media-ites know we are grasshoppers as well," they said, "so let’s not keep contending for something impossible"... Clearly, we heard wrongly from God about this Promised Land thing, and let’s show the “humility” to just acknowledge it now, and save ourselves from having to exercise radical faith. Thanks to the “humble” 10 spies, the new enemies of the people were the prophets, Joshua and Caleb, who kept saying, "Let's keep believing our God"... "No we didn’t hear Him wrongly"... “The giants will be bread for us”...

This lack of prophetic accountability was the biggest church crisis of their day now and needed to be quickly nipped in the bud. I mean who ever heard of God removing a Biden-ite AFTER an inauguration date? God can only do that type of thing BEFORE an inauguration date. Inaugurations tie His hands up and He can’t just write on the wall "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin" and oust an impostor. He can’t just send an angel to take out and give to the worms an already inaugurated Biden-ite. I mean what size God do you think He is? He is God of the improbable, not God of the impossible. Clearly the latter would not be possible and we need to be “humble” enough to just accept that.

Stoning the Prophets?

In the book of Numbers it says that the people would have stoned Caleb and Joshua to death had not the glory of God descended to save them. Wow huh? Their faith was perceived as pride, and the 10 spies expertly convinced the people they zealously needed to eliminate that. Prophets who don’t back down on what God has said must be reined in. These “humble” 10 spy/seer instigators stirred the entire congregation into crying out loud “oh that we could go back to Egypt rather than keep believing in such steadfast faith.” It is best to go back to serving Pharaoh, the communists, Planned Parenthood, very restricted freedoms, pedos, etc.— they said. The 10 spies sent out open letters to Caleb and Joshua and asked them to please just admit they had heard wrong. How could God remove the Biden-ite giant once he had already been inaugurated? Do they not realize that if God really wanted to give them this territory that He would have removed impossible scenarios first? Come on Caleb! Show some humility! Deal with the reality of the giants! Let’s return to the slave-masters. Back in Egypt, we can still be loving to people, and who really cares if they are cheating us, stealing from us, killing us with their shots and FDA-approved food and drugs, taxing us, restricting us from worship, taking our children etc. etc. We can “humbly” still be loving to people and that’s what it is all about anyway. Don’t let faith get in the way of you patting people on that back and saying, “Oh I am so sorry things are hard. When we die Santa Claus—er I mean God—will provide a better life.”

The Test is Still Ongoing: You Can Still Choose to Believe

One of the saddest things for me was to go back into words in 2020 from so many who had dreams, visions, words, hopes, and faith of so much more than seems reality right now. Many have backed off their words. Most are afraid to broach the subject again. They can’t be a part of still provoking the people to believe God will keep His Promised words now that we are so close that we can actually see the giants' eyeballs. That would put a burden of uncomfortable faith on the people. You can’t just tell people to STILL BELIEVE God just because He spoke it through scores and scores of His prophets and prophetic people. Well guess what Body of Christ? That is EXACTLY what I am asking of you. STILL BELIEVE!!! Proud of the 1000’s of you who have held the line. WE BELIEVE and it is HIS responsibility HOW He takes care of the Biden-ites. Faith is not pride.